Friday, September 3, 2010

Where's Walks?...

Apologies all, this blog has been abysmal in terms of infrequent updates, but will be keen to put a lot more down shortly. Have been back in Aus for a couple of weeks late July, and then pretty much had the laptop 'getting fixed' for August... so just now back on line and able to post some updates again. Heaps of stuff happening still, so will be updating very soon, but the BIIIIIG news for us right now is that we're about 15 weeks in with our first kid on the way! This could make things interesting towards the end of the year and early next depending on where we have Baby Walker (due 17the Feb), but what a brilliant problem to have.

Clarky and I couldn't be more excited; I decided to get in early with all the 'outsource to India' jokes with most of my great mates back home, but I'm sure there will be a whole lot more I haven't thought of yet...

So short and sweet for now but will get some photos of the apartment complex etc into the next edition very shortly.


  1. Congratulations!
    Apparently the Kama Sutra works.
    May I humbly suggest Ben "little moose" Walker as a naming option.

  2. Congrats! Lovely news... Hope Clarky is feeling well x

  3. Congrats. Great news and I look forward to hearing all about the pending arrival of baby walker.
